“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.

—Charles Darwin

The only thing constant is change.


Adaptability. Like a chameleon reacting to its environment, location professionals are masters of managing change. The second we accommodate one adjustment, a new wrench gets thrown into the works. We rise to the challenge. Relentlessly.

This quality is admirably portrayed in our cover story “Wild.” Extreme journalist Tim Neville reports on location manager Nancy Haeckers race against the clock on the new Reese Witherspoon film. Filming in the great outdoors, coupled with national parks shutting down, Haecker and her intrepid location team persevered against all odds. The challenges rekindled her passion for location scouting. In a conversation with Wild author Cheryl Strayed, Haecker explores their mutual love of storytelling and the wilderness.

Alexandra Zeevalkink, publishing manager for KFTV, presents the first of a series pro- filing some favorite international locations of our members. As the world shrinks and locations go global, constant travel is de rigueur for many of  our members. These favorites from location scout Marco Giacalone attest to that in “Scouting Across the Pond.

Born    and    raised iArgentina, ShastKinney    affirms its   constanevolution. Complemented by photography from LMGA Business member San Telmo Productions, Argentinatakes us on a journey through both time and many miles of varied scenary this country has long been ready for its close-up!

Rebecca “Puck”  Stairs “Giving and  Re-Giving…” examines the  circular nature of volunteerism. Doing for others becomes its own reward. Few are better suited, with an array of logistic and creative talents, to serve nonprofits determined to make the world a better place. So many LMGA members are agents of positive change.

This issues departments include another duet for “In Our City,” “Career Focus,” “In the News” and the “Martini Shot.

As always, we encourage your ideas for articles and photography submissions. We wish you happiness and prosperity in 2015, and hope that you can be the change you want to see in our world. Namaste.