LMGI Location Pro Workshop – Georgia
Stone Mountain Park Evergreen Marriott
Saturday, April 13, 2019 at 10 AM – 4 PM EDT
@ SMP, Atlanta
Evergreen Mariott Resort and Spa, Stone Mountain Lake, Georgia
4021 Lakeview Dr., Stone Mountain, Georgia 30083
Board Member Mac Gordon hosts an educational event stressing the importance of Location Management in the Georgia area.
It’s time to plan out your professional development! Sign up for the workshop of your choice. LMGI Membership is NOT required, but certainly encouraged. The classes are free. they start at 10AM and run for 2 hours.
WORKSHOP #1: Scouting 101: A primer on basics of how to scout, appearances, photo sequences, what to look for in terms of production friendly locations, etc. Panel will include Ryan Schaetzle, Lenzi Sealy, and Michael Woodruff.
LIMIT is 22 people.
WORKSHOP #2: Basics for ALMs/Location Assistants: For new members to our craft and those who feel like some further training would help them. Prep, shoot and wrap responsibilities, what LM and KALMs expect from you, how to avoid problems. Panel includes Matt Chamberlain, Sam Idelson, Mela Rayne, and Kyle Cary. No limits for this class. All ALMS and LA’s encourage to attend. Lots to learn!! Bring questions.
WORKSHOP #3: A roundtable discussion for Location Managers only. Topics are to be open and varied. How to build a solid department, protecting locations, rates, govt. agencies, etc. Moderated by Mac Gordon and a TBD LM.
Limit is 20.
Then from noon to 4PM , we will co-host with Stone Mountain Park, a picnic with lunch and one hour of free beer/wine (then a cash bar after). IF YOU CAN’T MAKE THE WORKSHOPS, PLEASE COME FOR THE SPCIAL GATHERING AND NETWORKING PICNIC. ALSO, TOURS OF SMP BEING OFFERED ALL AFTERNOON.
Questions? Reach out to Mac Gordon via FB or email: [email protected]
View press release or visit news posting.

May 15th is the last day to submit nominations for a seat on the LMGI Board. Kindly email your nomination to: [email protected]

Our May 2019 Board Meeting will start promptly at 9 am at the Reel Security Offices in Sherman Oaks. This is a secured building–to gain access, email [email protected] if interested in attending to be sure your name is on the cleared security list. Thank you for your time and attention!
Leadership on Location: Talent, Energy + Heart — The Forum
Motion picture production industry professionals engaged in location management, and their partners in related associations from industry, community and government are set to gather in Vancouver on May 31 & June 1 to explore the creativity, successes & challenges of film & television location production.
The Forum, set to take place on June 1 between 11 am and 5 pm, will form the substantive program of the 2-day event, and will feature BC-based and international professionals engaged in or supporting location management enterprise.
After the forum, there will be a reception and some peer recognition.
Contact Matt Palmer to receive link to EventBrite tickets and RSVP.

The LMGI will proudly announce our new Board of Directors on May 31st, 2019. For more information, contact Erika Howard: [email protected]

From conversations with the most dynamic and creative producers in the industry, to workshops that will help you produce smarter and better, and sessions that expand your content horizons — the Produced By Conference is the place to be… for the business you’re in. June 8 – 9, 2019. Warner Bros. Studios. Visit https://www.
Take your producing career to the next level. Attend the Produced By Conference Conference, June 8 – 9, 2019 at Warner Bros. Studios. Sessions you won’t find anywhere else. Covering topics you need to know. Delivered by people you want to meet! Visit https://www.
Straight talk about the art and craft of producing delivered by Oscar-winning filmmakers, Emmy-winning showrunners and the next generation of creative entrepreneurs. Only at Produced By Conference, June 8 – 9, 2019, Warner Bros. Studios. Visit https://www.
*This is not an LMGI event.

June 9th, 11:59 PM PST -deadline to submit nominations for the 6th Annual LMGI Awards Show. Submission Forms here!
Questions? Email: [email protected]

The LMGI will announce it’s new roster of Officers on June 30th, 2019. If you need additional information contact: [email protected]