“Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there.” —WILL ROGERS
“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” —WALT DISNEY
Ah! The comfort of inertia. Our work is physically demanding and mentally draining. Sometimes it’s downright pleasant to rest on our achievements once we reach the top of a particular career peak. Yet eventually, we wake from our reverie and continue our climb toward advancing personally and professionally. Coming out of the summer doldrums, this issue propels us into autumn, taking a look at members on the move, advancing our course.
“Mr. Quemore Goes to Hollywood” provides a key assistant location manager’s view up the ladder of success. Zach Quemore considers the path of his career and the many people who helped him along the way. Taking chances, accepting guidance, learning how to recognize and seize opportunities. It’s refreshing to hear the tale from someone just beginning his professional journey.
Moving forward, location scout Nick Carr illustrates how skepticism over the existence of a location can often prove to be the greatest obstacle to finding it. Fortunately, he has lots of experience in moving beyond “No.” Join him on his scouting adventures in pursuit of medieval castles in New York City in “King for a Day.”
And then there are our personal pursuits. Russ Fega gets lost in the Montana hinter- lands, armed with his trusty camera and indefatigable sense of curiosity. We love how we tend to spend time off from scouting by going out in the world and … scouting! This piece is a glimpse of a true location professional on his own time, observing the world.
In the LMGA Compass cover story on NCIS: Los Angeles, reporter Nancy Mills shines a light on the location team that brings you the high-octane, location-driven CBS main- stay. Location managers Tony Salome and Jason Savage talk about the pressure of budgets and time and the alchemy of good teamwork.
Our regularly appearing departments include “Career Focus,” “In My City,”“In the News” and the “Martini Shot.” In this issue, we introduce “LOC PRO TOP TEN,” an occasional column that features a top ten list of location ephemera. With this, and all other aspects of the LMGA Compass, we welcome your input and suggestions.
As the heat wains, and autumn colors the landscape, we hope you keep climbing toward your goals, whatever they may be. Keep in mind that even if you fall, you are still mov- ing forward.
Always a pleasure, never too busy, Marie, Stevie, Ken and Lori