The LMGI was conceived as your publicist; a tool to help you brand yourself as a vital part of the creative design team. Location professionals are often uncomfortable “tooting our own horn” but in today’s fast-paced digital age, promotion is critical to marketing your unique brand … and make no mistake—you are a brand, whether you realize it or not. The question is, are you doing all you can for yours?
If self-promotion makes you uncomfortable, think of it as selfinvention, and understand that your success speaks volumes for all of us. Use your profile at our website for maximum effect … are you current? Thenumbers show that people use our member listing as a reference for finding location pros. Let us know about your accomplishments and leave the promotion to us. When someone googles you, let your accomplishments and expertise stand out. The Compass (print and digital) reaches far beyond our membership. Its audience includes producers, directors, production designers, studio heads, media contacts, the leadership of sister unions, film commissions— people who matter in our industry. An “In the News” story or an in-depth article will strengthen your brand and help us all.
Send us your stories for “Career Focus.” Give us your ideas for “Tech Talk.” In our jobs, we are seekers, negotiators, promoters, warriors … if we want our careers to thrive, we need to use some of that energy to market ourselves.
The 2017 LMGI Awards is an opportunity to shine. If you have seen or worked on a location-driven story, let us know. You are our eyes and ears around the world, and we are your biggest supporters. Together, we’ve got this!
Our 2016 fall issue features a galaxy of our shining stars, every one of them spreading the word that location managers and scouts are an integral part of the Hollywood machine. Mandi Dillin and her team play to win in our Westworld cover story. Comic-Con was a sweeping success, as reported by Nick Carr.
Patrick Mignano treks to Georgia—the country, not the state—on a revealing Famtour. When family duties call, Marie Healy reinvents herself, mightily assisted by her location management skill set.
Congratulations abound as “In the News” celebrates Kokayi Ampah’s acceptance into AMPAS and the new LMGI Board. Award-winning location manager Todd Christensen gives us a glimpse of his trajectory in “Career Focus.” And location pro Aaron Holloway shows us the town and turns on the southern charm when “In My City” goes to Dallas/Fort Worth in the Lone Star state.
So step right up and don’t be shy. As your partners in promoting you and our unique career field, we want to hear from you!
Always a pleasure, never too busy,
Ken Haber, Lori Balton and Stevie Nelson