“A journey is a person in itself; no two are alike. And all
plans, safeguards, policing, and coercion are fruitless.
We find that after years of struggle that we do not take a
trip; a trip takes us.”
“It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the
journey that matters, in the end.”
Focus on the journey. And so we shall … in this issue we look at our sometimes peripatetic lives as location professionals … the trek from an unrecognized rabble to a cohesive group with a growing international membership and a world-class award show. Our 2nd Annual LMGA Awards show is now accepting nominations.
Jill Naumann’s “Anatomy of a Famtour” opens doors of exploration. Travel with her to Northern California and beyond to find out what makes a Famtour effective. Then head to Texas, where location pro Mike Casey’s travels take him from humble beginnings to Hollywood producer. Springing from his educational work in Southeast Asia, Bill Bowling graces us with an article on Myanmar, a country embarking on its own journey into the 21st century. Bill provides a glimpse into a rich culture replete with haunting locations. Ned Shapiro’s volunteer work with Habitat for Humanity brings him full circle to his earlier days with the Peace Corps. Like many location professionals, Shapiro feels the satisfaction of giving back to the community.
Like the airplane safety card says: Put on your own oxygen mask before helping others. We need to also remember to take care of ourselves. Our jobs are stressful by nature and globetrotting can be especially arduous. Location manager Chris Baugh reminds us to pay attention to the warning signs and symptoms of stress. Our departments continue to include “Tech Talk,” “Career Focus,” “In Our City,” “In the News” and the “Martini Shot.”
Not all who wander are lost. Enjoy the camaraderie, the mysteries of new cultures, the magic of new sights and tastes along the way. We wish you happy trails.