Hollywood Teamsters Win a Seat on the International Teamsters General Executive Board
“The labor movement is united to help keep the motion picture and television industry strong and vibrant—to maintain the economic generator that supports hundreds of thousands of good-paying union jobs.”
— Lindsay Dougherty

Lindsay Dougherty
Hollywood Teamsters Local 399 Recording Secretary, Business Agent and organizer, Lindsay Dougherty, was elected to a seat on the Teamsters General Executive Board as one of four Western Region Vice Presidents under General President-elect Sean O’Brien’s administration. With the retirement of James Hoffa, who stepped down after 20 years of service, the O’Brien-Zuckerman Teamsters United slate won a resounding victory in the November election that determined who will head the sixth-largest union in the country that claims more than 1.3 million members. President- elect O’Brien heads Boston’s Local 25, which also includes a motion picture division.
“This is our chance to give Hollywood Teamsters, and all Motion Picture Division Teamsters, a seat at the big table in our International,” says Dougherty. “We know the fights ahead will be challenging as we are dealing with some of the largest corporations in the world.”
The LMGI works in close partnership with Teamsters Local 399, the LA-based union that represents transportation drivers, dispatchers, location professionals, casting directors, warehousemen, and animal handlers and trainers at the bargaining table.

Ed Duffy

Steve Dayan
“We are a tight community,” says Ed Duffy, Local 399 Vice President and Business Agent for location professionals and casting professionals working in film, television and commercials. “We not only negotiate on our members’ behalf, we also interface with local and state government to create a pro-filming environment in California and other regions—we are involved with state incentives and issues such as streamlining permits and preserving the integrity of historic property and districts for filming.”
The Motion Picture Division will now have a bigger role in the international union when the new team takes office in March 2022. “This is the first time in the history of Local 399 that we will have a representative at this level,” says 399 Secretary-Treasurer Steve Dayan. “It can only impact us in a positive way. Lindsay will bring new energy as part of an administration that understands the film industry. It gives us more clout and strength.”
Lindsay, a second-generation Teamster, spent over 10 years in the trenches as a transportation dispatcher for movies such as Transformers before accepting her position as a Business Agent at Local 399 in 2014.
“Luckily, Lindsay will be able to continue her work with us here at Local 399 while serving on the new International Board,” adds Dayan. “She will be a fierce advocate for all Teamsters. We need fresh, youthful, and diverse leaders at the top who will help shape the next generation.”
“I am honored to fight alongside Teamsters that work in the entertainment industry and across all industries in this capacity,” says Dougherty. “The labor movement is united to help keep the motion picture and television industry strong and vibrant—to maintain the economic generator that supports hundreds of thousands of good-paying union jobs. I also want to put a renewed focus on engaging new workers, investing in technologies to modernize our operations and create pathways to leadership that increase the diversity and inclusivity at the top positions in our organization. I am ready to get to work.”