Respect. Access. Support. Connection. Celebration. Sharing resources and information. Advocacy. Mentoring. And benefits we love to share. That’s what the LMGI is here for — and more.
When you join the Location Managers Guild International, you become part of a global tribe of amazing creative people who are passionate about our work – and devoted to promoting the importance of our contribution to our industry. You join the elite of our profession. It’s a community in which we can share our universal experiences and concerns, and harness our potential to make an even greater impact. Through participation and volunteering for LMGI, we can further elevate our role in production, our respect in the industry, and expand opportunities for education and growth. Your participation, energy and ideas are critical as we continue to broaden our reach as an influential guild.
The LMGI exists to promote and celebrate our craft – and the people in it. Through the efforts of the guild, we now have our own category in IMDB, where we were once relegated to “Miscellaneous Crew.” Our members have been accepted into the prestigious Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and the Television Academy. We are the go-to media advisors on location issues for journalists from the Times of London to the Wall Street Journal and the Hollywood Reporter.
Once you are accepted as a member, you claim your identity as a location professional among the best of the best. The LMGI becomes a part of your personal brand. As a member, your vote determines the LMGI award nominees and winners showcased at our annual gala. Our awards shine a spotlight on the best location-driven productions around the world and garner international press. Membership also gives you the opportunity to volunteer – one of the best ways to connect with colleagues and raise your profile with other industry pros – as you give back and make things happen.
You deserve an organization that believes in you and your invaluable creative contribution. Transform your career, your life and your industry. You belong here.
Your membership dues go a long way to support all the work we do to elevate our status in the industry. As we move into a global economy, we need you more than ever to continue this work. Choose the level of membership that’s right for you.
**submitting an application for membership is not a guarantee of membership acceptance
- Cost: $35.00 NON-refundable application fee
- Dues: $135.00 annually
- Late Fees: $25.00
Qualifications and Rights:
Location Managers, Location Scouts and Assistant Location Managers working as professionals within the motion picture, television, commercial, video or print industries can apply for Active Membership in the LMGI upon completion of 300 paid working days, and with three (3) professional references, two (2) of whom must be LMGI members. Active Members in good standing can vote on LMGI issues, and qualify as candidates for positions on the Board of Directors, including elective office.
- Cost: $35 non-refundable application fee
- Dues: $85 annually
- Late Fees: $25
Qualifications and Rights:
Location Managers, Location Scouts and Assistant Location Managers working as professionals within the motion picture, television, commercial, video or print industries, but who do not have an LMGI member sponsor, can apply for an Associate Membership. You must have completed a minimum of 150 days paid work. Associate Membership applicants need to provide three (3) professional references. Associate Membership includes all rights and privileges of membership in the LMGI, excluding voting rights and the right to be on the Board of Directors or hold any LMGI elective office.
- Cost: $35 non-refundable application fee
- Dues: $75 annually
- Late Fees: $25
Qualifications and Rights:
Emerging Location Managers, Location Scouts or Assistant Location Managers who work as professionals within the motion picture, television, commercial, video or print industries, and do not qualify for active or associate membership, but would like to participate in guild activities, can apply as non-voting Location Apprentice Members, until they accumulate their days toward a higher level of membership.
- Cost: $35.00 Non-refundable application fee
- Dues: $100.00 annually
Qualifications and Rights:
Industry Members may include, but are not limited to: non-profit, industry labor unions/guilds, affiliated industry organizations or any individual working as a professional in any of the job classifications within the production industries that supports the mission of the LMGI (i.e. producers, production designers, UPMs, directors, photographers etc).
Film Commissions, Click Here
This is a non-voting membership category.
- Dues: $50 Annually
Qualifications and Rights:
LMGI Members who have officially retired and want to continue their membership in the capacity of an Active Member can join as Emeritus Members, who enjoy full voting rights. Requires notification in writing to the Membership Committee to convert membership from Active to Retired category.