David writes: “I always have my camera bag with me. Lately, I am often taking indirect routes from place to place if I have the time.
This photo was taken on a Saturday after dropping my dog off for grooming and going to get myself groomed, or at least a haircut, at noon.
Traveling south on S.F. Road in Glendale, I crossed the tracks west into an industrial area. I saw a CalTrans facility under the 134. The gate was open. I drove around and saw streetlight globes clustered in a bunch. I took photos while keeping an eye on the gate to make sure that I didn’t get locked in. A CalTrans truck pulled in. Four young guys got out at the other end of the facility and began kicking a soccer ball around. I knew I was cool as long as I heard their shouts and laughter.
After I couldn’t think of any more angles to shoot, I went off to my grooming.
This was my favorite of about 16 photos. This particular image was shot RAW at 1/13s @ f13, ISO 400 at 65mm (full frame) on a Canon 6D with the Canon 24-105mm lens. It was processed in Adobe Camera RAW and Photoshop. “