The Winter 2014 issue of the LMGA Compass celebrates the leaders and the dreamers among us. Those who realize that the very human instinct to connect is key to both our professional success and our success as contributing members of the human race.
Patrick Mignano, Clint Eastwood’s go-to location manager, gives a rare interview about his work with Malpaso Pictures, as well as his own work on Absaroka. Karen Gilbert explains how “Lost Angels: Skid Row Is My Home” came about. Globetrotting scout Dow Griffith shares his adventures, coupled with members’ stories recounting tales of surviving near-disaster. Martin Cuff looks at “Film Tourism” …how audiences around the world are drawn to movie magic. In “The Power of One,” Janet Harold interviews colleagues Jody Hummer, Jennifer Dunne and Russ Fega, who are making a difference in their communities.
Our departments in each issue include “Tech Talk,” “Career Focus,” “In My City,” “In the News,” and “Martini Shot.” Articles and photograph submissions by members are always encouraged.