In his new body of work, Naked Triangles, Photographer Mark Indig /LMGI explores the most reliable shapes in architecture. Their use dates back longer than other common construction shapes such as the dome, arch, cylinder, and even the wheel. Stripped of context, they are delicate sculptures of ethereal beauty, grace and utility. But their inherent strength forms the ubiquitous skeletons of our technology, power and communications. As such they are harbingers of advancing civilization, with its modern amenities and conveniences, but also ominous totems of surveillance and the desecration of the landscape. These photographs are meant to represent x-rays of our culture.
Reception: Saturday, February 22, 2020 from 6 – 9 pm.
Show runs: February 22 – March 20
Gallery 825
825 N La Cienega Boulevard, LA, CA 90069
Free admission, for more information call 310.652.8272
This event has been cancelled on Friday, March 13th due to the COVID19 concerns. We will reschedule ASAP and re-post.
LMGI Members if you are in the LA area March 15th, you and your non-member location pro colleagues are invited to attend our Spring Mixer! Kindly RSVP here