LMGA members in the news
Dinosaurs rule the earth: Jurassic World Roars to box office history
UPDATE: It’s still a Jurassic World! Taking the #1 spot at the box office over the weekend. Megan Colligan, head of worldwide distribution for Paramount, said “‘Jurassic’ is still such a powerhouse in the marketplace and it was hard to anticipate that that wouldn’t have burned off a little more by now.” read more here
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Jurassic World is about to cross the $1 Billion mark in only 13 days, the fastest film ever to reach that milestone. The Supervising Location Manager was one of our own, LMGA member Laura Sode-Matteson. Adding this fantastic accomplishment to an already impressive resume, the LMGA congratulates Laura and her whole team including:
Creating the setting for a large-scale film is not easy but Laura and her crew were up to the task. Laura used the jungle terrain of Hawaii and an abandoned amusement park in New Orleans to create the world that Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard inhabited while battling dinosaurs.
“Not all jungles are alike. When doing night work in the jungles, whether you are chasing dinosaurs, or running from dinosaurs, it is great not to have to also worry about snakes and other critters that blend in with the environment. Hawaii has no snakes or alligators, a definite plus for filming nights in the jungle!!” – Laura Sode-Matteson.
Location Managers Guild Of America members once again prove that no matter what world a film calls for, even one for 65 million year old characters, there is an LMGA member who can find it.

Read more about the box office record breaker: