Kibera’s population may be over 1,000,000 depending on who you ask and which villages are included.

FB page:  Carbon Migrations






We are just back from five days in the Masai Mara National Reserve, where we experienced a phenomenal amount of wildlife.


Our first giraffe sighting – right by the side of the road. Amazing how abundant and diverse the wildlife remains here in the Masai Mara, despite environmental threats.



10347642_10152417627248167_682694848793683163_nNew photo shot in the Masai Mara National Reserve. These ‘Spacetime’ images take a bit of time to understand. For instance, the Land Cruisers in this magic hour image image were in fact moving left to right. Part of the mission of the CARBON MIGRATIONS group page is to unpack the mysteries of the slit-scan camera process. You can check out Jay Mark Johnson taking this image and what the scene ‘actually’ looked like in this album:



August 22:

Location Scout/Photographer and LMGA member Osceola Refetoff is embarking to the Serengetti to document  Jay Mark Johnson on his latest Spacetime project “Carbon Migrations.”

The project will track and record the great wildebeest migration through Masai Mara using Jay Mark Johnson’s  singular “collapsed timeline” camera process. The fixed-position slit camera registers only verticle slivers of a scene, recording  vast landscapes over a period of time. The abstract results are stunning. Screen shot 2014-08-22 at 3.14.33 PM

Collaborators on the journey will include writer Shana Nys Dambrot, videographer Broatch Berry, editor Beth Gallagher (assembling the output back home) and photographer Osceola Refetoff. 

Have a safe and productive trip, Osceola. Be sure to write home!