Viva España!

Simon DanielAaron HurvitzMichael WesleyMichael WesleyMichael WesleySabine SchulmeyerSabine SchulmeyerMichael WesleyScott TrimbleScott TrimbleScott TrimbleZippy DowningZippy DowningJennifer LyneKay WilsonKay WilsonKay WilsonKay WilsonKay WilsonJohn Hutchinson John Hutchinson John Hutchinson John Hutchinson John Hutchinson Scott TrimbleScott TrimbleSue QuinnMatthew ChamberlinMatthew ChamberlinMatthew ChamberlinDeon du Preez Matt ChamberlinSimon DanielSimon DanielSimon DanielSimon DanielSimon Daniel

By Stevie Nelson

This past October, Feria de Valladolid, in conjunction with the Valladolid Film Commission and Spain Film Commission, upped their game with the expanded 3rd Annual Shooting Locations Marketplace (SLM), sponsored by the Junta de Castilla y León and Valladolid City Council. Fam Tours to Comunidad Valenciana, Comunidad de Madrid, Castilla la Mancha, Castilla y León, Islas Canarias and Andalucía followed the two days of seminars, meetings and social gatherings in Valladolid.

Organized by the Feria de Valladolid’s International Development coordinator Carolina Yepes and her team, the popular event hosted location managers, scouts and production executives from around the world, including 34 LMGI members. Networking with Spain’s many regional film commissions, hotel providers and location reps were representatives from France and Brittany, Norway, Germany, Poland, Egypt, Jordan, Namibia, Estonia and Peru.

“The Shooting Locations Marketplace has become one of those crucial annual networking events that LMGI is proud to have been involved with since its inception,” said LMGI President John Rakich. “Carolina, along with her team, have not only been gracious hosts but also fantastic partners to the Guild.”
“In addition to our partnership with the LMGI,” shares Yepes, “we are also business partners with the AFCI (Association of Film Commissions International), EUFCN (European Film Commission Network), the British Film Designers Guild Limited and the Great Britain Production Guild.”

See the spring issue of LMGI Compass for more…