It’s been a hell of a time. As we go to press, gripped by the COVID shutdown, followed by the grief and rage of the George Floyd protests, we do our best to do the right thing, stay informed, listen and keep moving forward. The coronavirus is a grim reminder of our mortality, and it does not discriminate. If it teaches us one thing, that is to not take anything for granted. Being socially distanced does not mean emotionally distanced… The LMGI stands with Black Lives Matter. We see you. We hear you. We invite members to share their images of the international protests. The best part of the past weeks was to see signs of compassion … a police chief taking a knee, a young protester offering a policeman a bottle of water, people of every color taking to the streets together to demand justice for all. This shared humanity is our hope—the only way forward.
Our cover story provides respite from the anxiety, illustrating the power of nature and love to heal our wounded souls. SLM Tom Howard invites us into the magical world of The Secret Garden, sharing his story of filming this beloved story with minimal CGI and maximum care. SLM and past LMGI President Nancy Haecker discusses the complications of controversial content and disaster management, as her team struggled with endless trials and tribulations in Shannon Mullen’s compelling piece “School’s Out: 13 Reasons Why Concludes Its Final Season.” “Education: LMGI’s Promise of the Future” explores the best ways to diversify, connect, elevate, educate and advocate for our members by tapping the expertise and enthusiasm of colleagues already out there doing the work.
Our columns include “In My City” with Arnaud Kaiser’s gracious tour of the City of Light, a Parisian’s view of one of the world’s best loved cities. Les Fincher’s brilliant deserted Manhattan pandemic photograph is a haunting “Martini Shot.” Atlanta veteran location manager Maida Morgan shares her good fortune recounting her early experience with superstar Steve McQueen and dreams of working on movies in “Career Focus.” “In the News” reports on the rapid growth of the LMGI member discussion/webinar forum “Coffee Tuesdays” giving members a chance to share information and camaraderie in this strange new world. Additionally, we are excited to announce that the We See It First: 2020 LMGI Awards will be streamed around the world rather than locked into a venue … the possibilities are endless! We are equally delighted to announce the new 2020-2021 LMGI Board of Directors.
Stay safe out there … keep informed … be mindful and kind.
Always a pleasure, never too busy.
Ken Haber, Lori Balton, Stevie Nelson and Paul Messana